Wednesday, February 15, 2006

An Iranian nuclear bomb isn't far away

Iran has announce that it has started small-scale enrichment of uranium.

What does this mean?

The Christian Science Monitor says that this step will eventually lead to Iran becoming a nuclear capable nation.

The newspaper says:

To begin enriching raw uranium into fissile material, as Iran now may have
done, is to take a fateful step down the path of nuclear capability.

That's because it is perhaps the most difficult aspect of developing a
nuclear power - or weapons - program. Centrifuge enrichment is a sort of
technological ballet, requiring thousands of thin tubes to spin at outrageous
speeds, each feeding a thin stream of uranium gas along to a neighboring tube,
until the gas reaches the end of the cascade line.

And once a nation has mastered the art of enriching uranium for a power
plant, it does not take much more effort to increase the concentration of
fissile elements to the level required for bombs. Thus, Iran may already have
collected almost everything it requires, if it wants to become a member of the
nuclear weapons club.

Iran has always insisted that its nuclear program is meant only to produce fuel for reactors. Never mind the fact that Iran is the fourth largest oil producer in the world.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is to visit Iran's Natanz facility today and prepare a report on the Islamic republic's nuclear capabilities.

The UN Security Council will base this report to decide what to do next.

As things stand, Iran is steadfast in continuing its nuclear research - which could still include a Russian offer of uranium enrichment in Russia - while the Americans, along with its allies in the Europe, are more than willing to take whatever actions - including military - to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power.

At the same time Iran is enlisting the help of OIC to discuss issues pertaining to this matter.

Maybe their plan is to have the entire Muslim world behind them in the event of a military attack from the west.

Somehow the cartoon protests around the Muslim world against the concept of western press freedom looks like a teaser to bigger things now.

We shall await further development.

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