Sunday, April 02, 2006

Protesting students give hard choice for Chirac

French PM Dominique de Villepin admits that he has erred in rushing through a labour law that resulted in a massive student protest in France.

He said that he was "misunderstood and made errors in his management" by proposing the new law which would have made it easier to sack young workers.

French president Jacques Chirac tried to restore calm by ordering a new, softer version of the law but this in turn only further provoked the protesting lots. Now unions and students are planning a new day of strikes and protests Tuesday.

What would please the protesting students? Their protests are getting violent by the day. With France's economy in the slumps and its employment rate already dwindling, it does look bleak for Chirac's government.

He will soon have to make a very vital decision - either sack the unpopular Villepin or face a potential revolt against his government.

Villepin is saying that the president's interference is not meant to undermine him and that he is not a man to quit easily.

However will this former Chirac chief of staff be able to turn the tide against him? In a recent poll 75 percent said Villepin had been weakened by the crisis.

Students power to the fore again in France?


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