Monday, March 19, 2007

Rising crime mars govt's rosy picture

"Kuala Lumpur resident Simonetta Roma, 35, was returning from church one
evening when two men on a passing motorbike grabbed at her handbag. The next moment, she was being dragged along the street.

"I saw these two guys passing by on a bike, and the next time I saw them I
was on the road," said Roma, an Italian who was seven months' pregnant at the
time. "It all happened so fast."

She escaped with just cuts and bruises, but many are not so lucky: often
bag-snatch victims are dragged head-first into the pavement with such force they are either killed or left with injuries such as skull fractures or broken bones."
This is not a fiction. It’s real life. International news agency Reuters quoted this victim in their timely analysis on the rampant crime spree in Malaysia.

Read the full article - Malaysia's rising crime mars govt's rosy picture - here.



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