Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Queen is NOT coming

Some unscrupulous parties are sending out SMSes saying that the Queen of England would be at the British High Commission at Jalan Ampang this Sunday to receive a memo by an Indian group.

People! Please, please, do not fall for this. Don't be so gullible.

The Queen of England is NOT coming to receive a memorandum from Hindraf this Sunday.

In fact I doubt if Queen Elizabeth is even aware of the protest, much less, the reason for the protest, or the organisers.

Also, she will be in Uganda for the CHOGM.

And, do not listen to people who say the police have given permission for the demonstration. They have not! There is NO police permit for the gathering.

So it is an illegal gathering. Go at your own risk if you want to show your support but do not take your kids along.

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