Monday, January 28, 2008

In total state of delusion

He must be getting delusional. Perhaps the anger on the ground has unsettled him. And I think he is totally misreading the community sentiments.

I am talking about the great community leader SV who yesterday warned other BN component parties to stay out of the Indian community's affairs.

"They are trying to stir the pot. Let the MIC worry about the Indian community. The other parties should concentrate on helping their own communities," he had said.

This is bullshit No 1.

And then he goes on to spar with DAP’s Kit Siang, stating that the opposition leader should not interfere in the Hindu faith.

His anger was caused by incidences of people lighting candles inside temples during Thaipusam in support of the Hindraf 5 held under ISA.

"Hindus never hold vigils in a temple. It is against our beliefs. Kit Siang does not know anything about the religion, so he shouldn't ask people to do things against the faith," he said.

This, bullshit No 2.

And finally SV said that MIC was confident of winning all the seats it would contest in the next general election despite the current unhappiness among the Indian community.

The self-appointed community leader claimed that only a small segment of the community was dissatisfied and behind demonstrations and protests.

"MIC has a very good record in the general election and I am confident that the Indian community will continue to support BN," he crowed.

Without a doubt, bullshit No 3.

Perhaps he has not seen the latest opinion poll undertaken by the Merdeka Center, which was released on Dec 26, 2007.

Luckily for him there was no question on his own popularity. However it was very clear that the Indian community is ANGRY.

As at December 2007, Abdullah's rating among the Malays, Chinese and Indians has dropped by 8%, 5% and 41%, respectively.

(See the results of the poll here)

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