Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Who created us?

This is not a simple question. It goes beyond the usual, smart answer of our parents being our creators. My question is who actually created us as beings?

This burning question has pitted the evolutionists against the religionists in the US and now news reports are suggesting that the same dispute might be coming across the Atlantic to the UK.

For years scientists have been diligently adhering to Darwin’s theory of evolution which points that we human beings have undergone evolution in billions of years from being single-cells to what we are now – a complete being with sixth sense and thinking capacity.

Scientific evidence before us now suggests that the universe is 13 billions years old and humans are descended from ape-like creatures.

This scientific evidence is not accepted by religionists who believe in the doctrine of creationism, or intelligent design.

This doctrine holds that the origins of humanity and the earth are recent and divine.

Christians relate this to the book of Genesis while the Muslims believe that God created every animal from water.

Strict creationists believe Adam and Eve are the parents of humanity and that God created earth six days.

This doctrine has found strong support in the US, and proponents have the ears of their president as well. In fact a recent poll found that 45% Americans believed God created life some time in the past 10,000 years.

In the UK, such support has been lacking but a report in the Guardian today indicated that this was changing here too.

The report said that more students in the UK now believed Darwin got it wrong, and added that both Muslim and Christian students were now advocating creationism.

The report added:

“Earlier this month Muslim medical students in London distributed leaflets that
dismissed Darwin’s theories as false, Evangelical Christian students are also
increasingly vocal in challenging the notion of evolution.”
A leading advocate of Darwinism, Prof Steve Jones of University College London said:

“This is an insidious and growing problem. It’s a step back from rationality.”
I agree with him. Although there are many mysteries of the world still unanswered by science, it nevertheless is making progress on a daily basis in discovering something new about our origins. As it stands, I think many rationally thinking person will not doubt the proof science has shown on the evolution of earth and humanity.

We don’t need religionists to now create a doctrine that will suit their religious needs and take away what science has put forward through years of research and studies, and replace these with their ideological beliefs.

Although I do wonder what other religions say about our beginnings, I do believe that it is a matter that should be left to be backed with scientific proof and not based on holy books.

read more:

Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design
Evolution versus Creationism in the classroom

p/s: Read my other blog here


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