Sunday, April 02, 2006

You know you are wrong, get out of there...

History will judge us over our invasion of Iraq, says US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice. She also admits that the US has made some tactical errors in Iraq. However she stood firm by her country's noble aims of peace and democracy.

She said:
"I know we've made tactical errors, thousands of them, I'm sure. But when you
look back in history what will be judged will be, did you make the right strategic decisions."
Her comments came amidst severe protests by anti-war proponents in Blackburn who shouted abuse and labelled her as a war criminal.

Her comments about being judged by history sounds very familiar to what the British PM Tony Blair said about a month ago.

Then he said that his actions to lead his country into invading Iraq will be judged by God.

What's happening here? Are these world leaders running out of logical, legal and plausible reasons for their invasion? What has happened to all the legal reasonings given for the attack before the invasion? Have they realised that people are no longer buying these flimsy reasons?

So rather than admit defeat, or their mistake, they are putting everything into the hands of providence.

But what we need are answers today and not to wait for another 50 years to be told that we were right after all.

I agree that the sudden withdrawal of the US and UK troops can create instability in Iraq but could it be much worse than what is happening in Iraq today?

Having made the error of invading Iraq in the first place, perhaps the Americans should now ask the UN and other regional political coalitions such as Asean or even the OIC to help rebuild the fallen country and not try to impose their brand of democracy there.


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