Friday, March 21, 2008

Why an advisor on family matters?

I still wonder why the PM appointed Shahrizat Abdul Jalil as his special advisor on women and social development affairs. He has also given her a ministerial status with the appointment.

OK, she was an unfortunate loser in the GE. But still, being made an advisor for family matters? Why did he do it? To ensure that Umno Wanita has some representation in the government?

If that’s the case, by right, he should have made Rafidah his special advisor, in charge of international trade and free trade talks. I bet she will do a better job in these than the minister who replaced her at MITI.

While I was wondering on Shahrizat’s appointment, I came across a blog posting by Mahathir’s daughter.

She said:

“The PM also seems unaware that there is a Majlis Penasihat Wanita (formerly known as the National Advisory Council for the Integration of Women in Development (NACIWID)) which comprises of women appointed by the government to advise it on women's issues.

It used to be an independent body until a few years ago when Shahrizat decided to chair it herself. If you've never heard of it, that's understandable as it really doesn't get to do much advising and whatever advice it does give tends to not get heeded much.

I've been a member of it for some years and have always been frustrated by its redundancy. Guess now it'll be even more redundant.”

With this new knowledge, I am even more bewildered as to why Pak Lah made Shahrizat his special advisor. A case of political patronage perhaps?

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