Saturday, April 19, 2008

‘Have they forgotten us?’

I didn’t expect such complaints to come out against the new state government in Penang.

Suddenly the high-expecting makkal sakthi people are wondering if all their hard work has been misplaced and taken for granted by the new administration.

Their complaints in particular are on:

1. The lack of non-Chinese staff in the CM’s office

2. The number of Indian reps in the two local councils in the state - about three or four at most and that too given to people closely aligned to a certain state/party leader. No makkal sakthi grassroots leader has been recognised, they claim.

3. The new state leaders are also paying less attention to the Indian issues now, in fact at times not bothering to take part in open dialogues in trying to solve issues which they said they would do before being voted in.

4. A seasoned journalist also said that the newly appointed leaders have become so elusive that its difficult to get hold of them.

Well, I would still say that we should give the new state government some time to settle down and get on with their own policies. It’s only been more than a month now since they took over.

I am sure they would not be chauvinistic as they are labelled now. We wait in full patience. After all, they too are fully aware of the power of the makkal!

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