Monday, December 03, 2007

Lightning strikes Minnal FM

It is amazing how suddenly everyone wants to get onto the government bandwagon to condemn something.

Just look at the Hindraf rally. First the police condemned it. Soon MIC followed suit. Then the government (read: Umno) pursued.

There were warnings that teachers caught taking part in the rally would be sacked. Students too were issued similar warnings. It looks like everyone wanted a bit of action in this spree of persecution.

Over the weekend there was an SMS saying that some Indian Muslim association calling for the action against Hindraf.

And then today, to my utter shock and dismay, there were reports that the state-owned Tamil radio station Minnal FM has suspended and sacked seven of its DJs - almost one-third of its radio presenters.

Why? Apparently these deejays supported the Hindraf movement and some even participated in the Sunday rally.

Things are definitely going crazy over here.

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