Monday, December 10, 2007

A mess called Rela

Read more about how Rela’s reputation takes a battering (correctly, I should add) in this International Herald Tribune report.

Foreign workers face campaign of brutality in Malaysia

Some excerpts:

When his turn comes to stand watch, Kang Long posts himself at a window, peering into the dark streets outside the tiny apartment where his fellow migrant workers sleep 10 to a room.

"We always fear, especially at night," he said. "Maybe there will be a raid. Where will we run? I worry for my wife and children. I've been thinking of moving to the jungle."


"They shouted at me, 'Where's the money?' " she said. "I got down on my knees and begged them. 'I don't have any money.' But they wanted money. They pulled stuff from under the bed. They looked here, they looked there. They opened all our bags."

Her documents were in order, she said, and the search party left her alone.

But when it departed, she said, "Everything was a mess."


"They break into migrant lodgings in the middle of the night without warrants, brutalize inhabitants, extort money and confiscate cellphones, clothing, jewelry and household goods, before handcuffing migrants and transporting them to detention camps for illegal immigrants," Human Rights Watch said in a report in May.

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